Week 6: June 5th to June 11th

My workaholic-ness tends to follow me wherever I go. No matter what state my body is in, I tend to push myself to work. This week, I realized I needed a break.
Upon my return from Puerto Malabrigo, where I was able to surf this past weekend, I had gotten sick. As I am writing this, I am still sniffling and drinking some tea that I bought from the grocery store just a few blocks away. Nonetheless, I think this has taught me the importance and necessity of just slowing down.
On Monday, I woke up dizzy and started getting ready to go the school before I realized I was drenched in sweat and could not handle going, given that I had to succumb to the long bus rides. Throughout the rest of the week, although I felt better and went to the school to conduct interviews and such, I have been trying to give myself more time to rest and slow down -- even though I absolutely hate it.
However, every thing comes with a lesson (or at least that's what I tell myself), so I am hoping to be better soon (fingers crossed) as I continue my journey throughout Huanchaco and Trujillo.
It is also hard as my interviews are kind of slowing down, given that students are not wanting to participate, there's been more sicknesses on campus, and increased steadiness due to dengue outbreaks throughout the country.
Moral of the story: know when to push yourself & acknowledge when you need a break.