Week 7: June 12th to June 18th
Some good news to share this week! I decided to interview the subdirector that I thought did not like me, and we talked for about two hours. I got a lot of insightful information on her perspective and how her philosophies are embedded into the way she communicates with students.
Given that I have less than two weeks working with this school, I spoke to the director about my progress and my future plans, which include publishing results in both English and Spanish to make it accessible to that community. She invited me to a week-long celebration of the school's anniversary, my last week of working there, and I am extremely excited and honored. I feel as if I have developed a lot of strong connections with the students and faculty at the school, which is making it extremely hard for me to even think of saying goodbye.
Other than that, research wise things are gearing up too! More students are volunteering to participate, as are some administrators. I wish I had more time to conduct these interviews, but time is very limited, especially since I am unable to pull them out of class. Also, there are about 4 ongoing adolescent pregnancy cases in the Colegio, so I am still navigating ways to obtain more information about those.
Anyways, enjoys this view of Huanchaco, Peru, as you await my next update:
