Research Interests
My research interests lie in low-income and underserved communities, particularly, migrant communities. Growing up in a Bengali household in a Latin American community within the United States, I have always observed the cultural differences that can impact education and health accessibility. Specifically, I employ a Critical Medical Anthropological perspective and framework to analyze community-level Health Issues. Sexual education, reproductive health and justice, and maternal health are topics that guide my prospective reserach.
Sexual Education
Sexual education often utilizes the understanding of biological reproductive systems while promoting abstinence. In many cultures, sexual education remains unscathed and is briefly discussed to reinforce religious and procreative values. In cultural contexts, sexual education is shaped by familial values and socioeconomic status. Larger structures, such as governing bodies and economic systems, heavily influence these educational curricula.
Although an improvement in sexual education curricula calls for comprehensivity through the inclusion of topics such as pleasure, desire, and consent, very few educational institutions engage in this framework. But why? Market-based governing bodies, policies, and institutions, are innately impacted by political-economic interests in preserving the market economy. Sexual education development falls victim to a broader network of capitalism, material goods, and profit, negatively impacting sexual health, mental health, conceptions of sex, maternal health, and more.
Kissimmee, Florida

Kissimmee is a majority-minority community within the state of Florida. With a large portion of migrant and Latin American residents, research in Kissimmee offers insight into cultural values, commercial practices, and education and health accessibility. The School District of Osceola County, located within Kissimmee, Florida, is one of the lowest-funded counties within the state. With minimal educational focuses on sexual education, although through personal activism the addition of fifth-grade "puberty" videos was reinforced, curricula primarily highlight abstinence and STDs/STIs. Research in this community, alongside the school district, will provide a better understanding of the interactions between community-level values, larger capitalist practices, and education/health output.
Trujillo, Peru

Trujillo is a large city within the Peruvian Region of La Libertad. A majority of its citizens are Mestizos and have strong ties with Catholic views and morals. Peru has commonly seen high rates of gender violence, disparities, and homophobia. The country and educational institutions also offer little aid and education concerning sexual health and behaviors. Similarly, the economic system is dependent on city-based market economies and tourism. The area also provides contextual information on cultural values between gender, while alluding to greater issues in sexual health. Analysis of education and health systems in Trujillo, Peru, will allow the identification of various factors that have implications for the development and acceptance of sexual education.