Week 1: May 2nd to May 7th

Upon arriving at the Lima airport, around 10am, I was tired, drowsy, and excited. But the journey was still not over – I had to recheck my bags and await for my connecting flight to Trujillo, Peru. Trujillo, a part of the La Libertad region, is where I will be conduct my Summer Undergradute International Research Program experience. Trujillo and Huancacho, a nearby fishing village, became a research interest of mine when I had visited Huanchacho the previous year in an Archaeological field school with Dr. Gabriel Prieto. However, this time around, I have have developed my own medical anthropological project and overcome many feats to conduct my research in Peru. After arriving, I was quickly introduced to the streets that I would take, the bus (or as they call, micro), nearby grocery stores, where to do my laundry, and of course, the gym. Little did I think that my first full day in Peru (the day after I arrived), I would spend completely alone and have meetings in the nearby fishing village, which is about a 40-minute bus drive away. Although it was scary, the winds breezing through the windows on the jerky bus rides were quite calming. The next day, I visited the National University of Trujillo (UNT) where I met several professors that I will be able to meet with over the course of the next two months. The rest of my time here, aside from the meetings, has been filled with new foods, new routes, and the new season of Bridgerton.